Discovering News Stories and Social Media Strategies with CrowdTangle

How can a tool like CrowdTangle help journalists navigate the fast-moving, almost overwhelming, social media space…

Algorithmic Injustice: The Hidden Discrimination in the Digital World

A decade ago, algorithms were considered neutral and fair, but research has shown otherwise. How do…

New Business Model Buzzwords for Journalism: Diversification, Reader Revenue and Audience Engagement

The diminishing interest of advertisers in media platforms has left journalism in the lurch but there…

Journalistic Ethics and Good Editorial Judgement Apply Even to 360 Degree Videos

Is the immersive reality technology of 360 videos the perfect empathy machine or just another tech…

Rethinking the Dynamic Relationship Between Fixers and Journalists

How can journalism and fixers work with each other to help each other out even more?…

Mobile Storytelling From Communities: The Future of Journalism?

Can everything you need to be a journalist fit in your pockets? According to Omar Yusuf…