How news feed works

On 7 April Adam Mosseri, Facebook VP and head of the News Feed team, presented his…

Plan B: Making a home for news on the open web

Offering a solution to the increasingly dangerous online web, software developer Dave Winer introduced his Plan…

In your face(book): social media is here to stay

Facebook is not going anywhere - let’s accept it. The question is no longer if news…

Web-Puppeteering with the Use of Fake News: How Does It Spread and Where Will It Get Us

Jonathan Albright from Elon University; Charlie Beckett, Director of Polis; and Renee Kaplan, Head of Audience…

Gli strumenti utili di Facebook per i giornalisti

Il panel di Facebook dedicato agli strumenti utili a disposizione dei giornalisti ha visto protagonista Sarah…

From TV to Social Video: dare to do it and don’t be afraid to fail!

A video on US gold medal gymnast Simon Biles produced by the New York Times, which is…

Tra musica, parole, social e attivismo: incontro con Fedez

Nella suggestiva cornice del teatro Morlacchi, il rapper Fedez si è confrontato sui temi dei social…

Interview with Farida Vis: Iconic images on social media

The photo of the dead body of Syrian boy Aylan Kurdi washing up the shores of…

Quanto pesa la Silicon Valley sul giornalismo (e non solo)

Mathew Ingram, (Fortune Magazine, ex Gigaom) ci va giù chiaro: “Non abbiamo più controllo su come il…

Top five digital tools for journalists

Several workshops at the International Journalism Festival were dedicated to the latest digital trends and tools. Here…

Facebook’s plans to feed us news

Around 588 billion unique news feeds are created each month on Facebook. The social media’s 1.4…

Google-editori: un’alleanza possibile?

Nel corso della seconda giornata del Festival Internazionale del Giornalismo 2015 di Perugia  si è tenuta,…