Verifying videos in the era of the ‘deepfake’

A fusion of the words ‘deep learning’ and ‘fake’, deep fake videos stem from a system…

Disinformazione e propaganda: il ruolo (sottovalutato) della TV

Una discussione sul ruolo di informazione e propaganda politica, in un contesto mediatico in cui si…

Cosa può fare la tecnologia per il fact-checking: esempi pratici dall’Europa

Giovanni Zagni, direttore di Pagella Politica, e la giornalista Barbara Sgrazi presentano una serie di strumenti…

Journalism and trust: gaining credibility back

The recent success of populisms all over the world shows an indisputable lack of trust in…

Live videos, groups and the updated algorithm: Facebook’s search for meaning

As Facebook has become close to indispensable to media outlets to reach out to audiences, Facebook's…

Internet Memes: Misinformation Machines or Vectors of Truth?

Journalists haven't been the most savvy when it comes to memes. How can we learn more…

Economics reporting: so mistreated, yet so needed

At a time where opinionated narratives seem to prevail over facts, it is increasingly difficult for…

How news feed works

On 7 April Adam Mosseri, Facebook VP and head of the News Feed team, presented his…

Web-Puppeteering with the Use of Fake News: How Does It Spread and Where Will It Get Us

Jonathan Albright from Elon University; Charlie Beckett, Director of Polis; and Renee Kaplan, Head of Audience…

Trump, un russo alla Casa Bianca

Confronto tra il reporter di BBC Panorama John Sweeney e il giornalista russo Andrei Soldatov sui…

Reporting emerging authoritarianism

Traditional authoritarianism, new tendencies, and the future of the journalistic profession under autocratic regimes.

Why media literacy is more important than ever

Fake news, post-truths and populism – teaching the audience how to consume news critically has never…