Data journalism: work in progress!

Il nuovo contesto multimediale, in cui siamo immersi, offre nuovi strumenti per fare informazione. Oggi spesso…

Algorithms for Dummies: How to investigate government algorithms

Algorithms are not a sexy topic, but Nicholas Diakopoulos was able to breach this obstacle with…

In your face(book): social media is here to stay

Facebook is not going anywhere - let’s accept it. The question is no longer if news…

The Washington Post’s recipe for success in the Trump era

With pacate yet resolute words Cameron Barr described the atmosphere within the news room of The…

Web-Puppeteering with the Use of Fake News: How Does It Spread and Where Will It Get Us

Jonathan Albright from Elon University; Charlie Beckett, Director of Polis; and Renee Kaplan, Head of Audience…

Doing journalism in Egypt: from the Arab spring to El-Sisi

After the 2011 revolution was followed by a military coup, the violent repression of human rights…

China: between digital and social media

Technology, with internet and social media, has offered a new platform for public opinion. But it…

The media start up journey: How to build a multi-million dollar company from scratch

Adriano Farano, Mark Little and Josh Young, by narrating the stories of their startups, shared with…

Dalla legge sull’editoria al cyberbullismo: l’impegno della politica italiana nel digitale

Il rapporto tra mondo politico e tematiche digitali al centro dell'evento "Il rumore dei nemici: tutta…

Turkey: a black hole for journalists?

Turkey is the biggest jailer of journalists in the world, and almost all media outlets are…

Sustainable and inclusive media: how to promote a more diverse society and avoid bankruptcy

A group of experts share their experiences in working to build a better society and ensuring…

Fake news vs libertà d’espressione: bilanciamento complesso!

Matteo Jori affronta la spinosa questione della libertà d'espressione online e la possibile diffusione di notizie…