Turchia: attacco ai giornalisti

Oggi, per il giornalismo, la Turchia rappresenta un buco nero, un terribile vuoto democratico.

Internet Memes: Misinformation Machines or Vectors of Truth?

Journalists haven't been the most savvy when it comes to memes. How can we learn more…

Plan B: Making a home for news on the open web

Offering a solution to the increasingly dangerous online web, software developer Dave Winer introduced his Plan…

Web-Puppeteering with the Use of Fake News: How Does It Spread and Where Will It Get Us

Jonathan Albright from Elon University; Charlie Beckett, Director of Polis; and Renee Kaplan, Head of Audience…

Reporting da aree di crisi: traumi psicologici, resilienza e prevenzione

Riportare da zone di conflitto e di crisi può mettere in serio pericolo la salute mentale…

Tra musica, parole, social e attivismo: incontro con Fedez

Nella suggestiva cornice del teatro Morlacchi, il rapper Fedez si è confrontato sui temi dei social…

Interview with Farida Vis: Iconic images on social media

The photo of the dead body of Syrian boy Aylan Kurdi washing up the shores of…

Start-ups: building technology for newsrooms

Tech start-ups are becoming an essential part of digital newsrooms: they create tools to help media…

Letteratura 2.0 ai tempi di Twitter: la sfida dei 140 caratteri

Immaginate Dante Alighieri – sì, lo storico scrittore trecentesco autore, tra le altre cose, della lunghissima…

Masterclass for journalists: Twitter and Periscope

  Twitter is like a square or piazza, Livia Iacolare of Twitter Italia said in “Masterclass for…

Top five digital tools for journalists

Several workshops at the International Journalism Festival were dedicated to the latest digital trends and tools. Here…

ISIS, inside the army of terror: between social media and religion

  To understand the Islamic State, or ISIS, it is important to know about their propaganda and the importance…